Yeesh! I know we aren't to judge a book by its cover, but I think this picture pretty much sums it all about this particular artist I wanted to diagnose: Ke$ha. A San Fernando Valley native who had her dreams and sights set on music stardom; at ALL costs! Ever since we had the boy and girl band explosion of the 90's, it became pretty apparent you didn't need actual singing talent or skill of any sort to become a pop sensation. Britney Spears broke the mold and let everyone know that any pop sensation dream is possible as long as you have a connected family, good looks, money for a boob job, squeaky clean image, and record label backing. As much as I hate to do it, I have to give Ke$ha a lot of credit for her ability to break all the rules. If you've ever heard a Ke$ha song, seen a Ke$ha video, or witnessed a Ke$ha "performance", you would know that this chick falls into neither category. Except for one actually, and that would be record label backing. The musical bubblegum juggernaut producer Dr. Luke saw fit to give this Tennessee bumpkin (where she grew up) girl an opportunity to be what nobody else could. Simply put ladies and gentleman...Ke$ha: a "pop singer" who has no talented singing voice, no particular good looks, no dancing skills, no connected family, AND happens to present an image to kids of a constantly trashed party girl (which she actually seems to be) shot to #1 on the charts when her album Animal hit the shelves and became an overnight pop sensation. God Bless America. I can't really begin to wonder where to point fingers. Any help? Well my first finger will be pointed at Dr. Luke for giving this chick a record deal first of all. His next strike for me is the niche he found for her using electro-dance-pop beats; using the flawless theory that girls really don't care how bad the music is as long as they can dance to it. I want to say, yet another rape of the electronic music scene for the teeny boppers. Best part of this is Ke$ha's pretty obvious lack of a genre preference. No matter what she could do to make it, she would do it, regardless of substance or class. Let's all get drunk and dance y'all! In her own words "Don't be a little bitch with your chit chat just show me where your dick's at." We can all hope all girls at the club are so intelligent.
***Diagnosis: Delusional! Whack! Crap! Fail! Cancer to the music industry. I'm looking at you too Dr. Luke
***Prescription: Surgical removal. A smack to the face and plane ticket back to Nashville.
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